Friday, December 19, 2008

O Christmas Tree

We have a Christmas Tree. For those of you who know our history, this is a BIG thing! Bryan and I have been married for 8 years and I don't think we bought a tree until 2 years ago. I've always been a real tree girl, but I settled for this poor $16 fake tree because I would have been on my own purchasing, setting up and decorating a real tree every year. I think we made this poor thing look pretty good this time! Thank you for helping this time, Bryan. Oh, and as you may have noticed, it is on the floor this year, not on the landing above the closet (we have a very small living room and very high ceilings.) We'll see if it is still up in June again this year! Since it's accessible and I'm not pregnant, it had better not be. I think I'll shoot for taking it down 2 weeks after Christmas so we can enjoy it for a while after we get back from Kansas. We'll see. It did provide a little comedy for all of our visitors this past year!


Meliss said...

Is Bryan a "Bah Humbug" kind of guy? I'm not criticizing. I kinda am myself. Christmas wears me out. My kids put up our tree completely on their own this year ~ lights and all.

Your tree is very pretty. It's hilarious that it stayed up so long last year! Here's to a shorter Christmas season for you this year.

I reposted Bouncy Bells featuring Zetta on my blog for a little Christmas cheer! (scroll down)