Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Free Time

Zetta is at school, Grady is upstairs watching the NASA channel (he chose that over cartoons.....weird, I know) and Merrick is finally napping, so I decided to check my email and clear the camera of pictures. Here is what I found:

The 3 little sweeties on Valentines Day with the balloons that Grandma Kristy sent them.

Hmmmm.....I just called them sweeties. Now why would they stick a picture of their mom here?!? Should I be concerned about what they think of me?


agnicholl said...

Okay, already...this is about the 100th time I've checked your page with no update!

Varna said...

Hilarious- I would love to know more about the thought process of mom's school picture by the tp. Maybe they put it where they'll see it a lot?? Love the v-day picture!