Monday, April 27, 2009

Z's Birthday - Past

April 22, 2004 - Fresh Picked

April 2005 - At a friend's party a one week before Z's 1st birthday. Anya, Gracen, Jack, and Zetta (in the denim dress). (Bryan, why don't we have pictures from her birthday on our computer? Hmmm. I don't remember what happened to them.)

April 22, 2006 - 2 yrs. old; Bryan, Zetta and Lydia

April 22, 2007 - 3 yrs. old

April 22, 2008 - A big 4-year-old


Bryan said...

That Metallica t-shirt I'm wearing made me think of the pink skull request. You ought to share that too.

Bryan said...

Subscribing to follow up comments...

Meaghen said...

Oh, right! I forgot to share that a few weeks ago when I asked Zetta what she wanted to take to preschool for birthday treats, her request was for brownies with pink skulls on them (made out of icing)! Looking at Bryan's shirt in the '06 picture, it's evident that she's following in her Daddy's footsteps! (You had that shirt in High School, Bryan! Did you finally throw it away?)