Monday, April 27, 2009

Z's Birthday - Present

She talked me into letting her open some presents the morning of her birthday, since we weren't going to have her party until the next night. Here's the birthday girl loving her new jewels...

...and also loving the nail polish that Grady picked out for her.

Z with her butterfly birthday cake. She helped me decorate it. Since she'll be 6 next year, she'll be able to do the whole thing by herself! (Right Mom? Isn't that how we did it!)

Grady, Zachary, Kayla and Zetta waiting for the candles to be lit.

Zetta crying (shrieking at the top of her lungs) because Grady blew out her candles before she could. (I'm laughing out loud! I thought this picture was hilarious!)

Kayla and Zetta showing off the kitties Zetta and Grady got for their birthdays.

Zachary and Kayla gave the kids kitty gear for their birthdays. They loved it! (The kids....not so much the kittens.)


Bryan said...

I like Grady going in for the candle blowout with my hand in his face... baby in the other hand. Classic.

Varna said...

Happy Birthday Zetta! Wow, 5! I can't believe she is such a big girl. Are those real kitties? Lulu wants one SO bad, I'll have to show here the photos!

Bryan said...

Yes, they are real kittens. Zetta's dad has not traditionally been a huge fan of cats, but he's come to respect them in a certain way. That way is that I don't mind sacrificing the personality and companionship a dog has because in return I'm getting a pet that needs very little attention and doesn't make you feel guilty by staring at you through the sliding glass door wondering when you're gonna take it for a walk.