Saturday, January 31, 2009

Random Photos

Santa comes every year to Great-Grandma Mary's on Christmas Eve! They're looking like they aren't too sure about him, but I think they liked him.
The best Christmas picture we got......seriously.
Good, clean fun! (Well, Zetta was pretty clean, anyway.)
Zetta making Peanutty Dip from her new cook book. (No, that is not a wig....unfortunately she got her Momma's big hair.)
Cute, right?

Daddy Did It First

Bryan decided it was time for Merrick to try some cereal, so he whipped it up and Merrick loved it! The other kids took a turn, too and fun was had by all. You should have heard the giggles from Zetta and Grady. I don't think I was quite ready for him to eat, but it worked out just fine. Where have the last 5 months gone? Time has flown by so fast!

Hmmm....a little pasty, yet somehow tasty!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


OK, so I stole this from Julie (a friend from church), but I hadn't seen it before and I thought it was pretty good - and very true. Thanks, Julie!

You're from Colorado if ...

You have no accent at all, but can hear other people's. And then you make fun of them.

'Humid' is over 25%.

Your sense of direction is: Toward the mountains and Away from the mountains.

You say 'the interstate' and everybody knows which one.

You think that April is a totally normal month for a blizzard. (And that snow in September and May is not that weird, either.)

You grew up planning your Halloween costumes around your coat. (And snow boots!)

You know what the Continental Divide is.

You've gone off-roading in a vehicle that was never intended for such activities.

You always know the elevation of where you are.

You wake up to a beautiful, 80 degree day and you check to see if it's going to snow tomorrow.

Everybody wears jeans to church.

You actually know that "South Park" is a real place not just a show on TV.

Your two favorite teams are the Broncos and whoever is beating the crap out of the Raiders.

When people out East tell you they have mountains in their state too, you just laugh.

You go anywhere else on the planet and the air feels 'sticky' (I usually think 'sticky' and 'thick') and you notice the sky is no longer quite the same blue.

They Make Me Smile

Z was just about to fall asleep tonight when she called me into her room and said, "Momma, can we please go to Disney World..." And after a short pause she finished "...or to see Rachael Ray?"

She loves cooking shows, but could Rachael Ray be better than Disney World? Maybe we'll find out some day! Sweet dreams, Z.

My Friend Lu

I just watched the greatest video!! It was an interview of my friend Luann Pavlu who is this months recipient of the 9 News Teachers Who Care award. I have worked with her here in Keenesburg since I started my career and I definitely agree that she is deserving of this award. She is intelligent, creative, caring and so much fun! She is an inspiration to me and I'm sure she would be to many of you, too. Watching this video actually made me miss school for the first time this year! Read the article and watch her interview. She is amazing.

Oh, and those are "my kids" in the video. I've worked with all of them. They are great, too! Enjoy:

Monday, January 19, 2009


#18 arrived this morning! Does anyone wonder who/what #18 might be?

That would be my 18th niece/nephew......well this one wasn't a combo, it was just a nephew, but he is the 18th grandchild for my parents. His name is Cash Wesley Perry and he was born this morning at 7:19 a.m. to my sister Carrie (yes, Carrie Perry!) and her husband Nathan. He was a mini one at 20 inches long and weighing only 7 lb. 8 oz. His 3 brothers: Cord, Coy and Colsen welcomed him home this morning. They called me on their way home while they were in the drive through at McDonalds to let me know he had been born and it was only about 10/10:30 their time! (Only 3 hours after you delivered, what a trooper you are, Carrie!)

18, can that be right? I think it is, but I'll do the run-down just to make sure:
Jeremy - 5
Jill - 6
Meaghen - 3
Gretchen - 0 (but 1 on the way)
Kelby - 0
Carrie - 4

Yup, that's right! Well, that's all for now. #19 is expected to arrive in June, so stay posted. Hopefully they send pictures soon. I wish we could be around to see him, but I don't know that we'll be able to make that happen real soon.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Fun Never Ends

Grady just woke up and says in his sweet, sleepy voice, "Mommy, I'm wet." (The boy didn't have any sleep-time accidents for about 3-4 months, so this is a new occurrence at our house.) I went about business as usual, cleaning him up and taking care of the wet clothes when I asked him, "Why do you think this is happening lately?" He replied, "It's good to potty in your pants. It is!" Hmmm. I'm thinking the 2 year-old and I may just have to agree to disagree on this one.


Zetta and Grady frequently (every day!) fight taking a nap and today was no different. Grady wanted to play with toys and Zetta wanted to make a poster and some cards for people. I did win. After a bit of a struggle, they both fell fast asleep and had a good nap. Zetta was the first to come down so cute with tired eyes and a sleepy voice and asked if she could please finish her poster. That sounded fine with me, so I sent her to the kitchen table to do her crafting. 5 minutes later she came up to the living room with a pan and a plastic baggie filled with water and other mysterious substances asking me if I could put a rubber band on the bag while she went out to get some dirt. Yes, dirt! I let her know that I didn't think she needed to be filling bags with mystery liquids and making messes in the house, to which she responded, "But you said that I could!!!" I reminded her that she had asked to do cards and a poster and she sheepishly said, "Oh, I guess I got the words kind of mixed up.......I meant potion."

She was so cute (and I think she was actually innocent in the mislabeling of her activity), that I let her go ahead with it. After all, my Mom probably would have let me do that type of thing! She's still working on the potion 30 minutes later. We'll see if it ends up a disaster or a success!


Doing "j" homework with Zetta: "OK, Zetta. What words start with the 'j' sound?"
"J-Jaclynn" (A girl in her class)
"OK, what other words?"
"J-J-Jaclynn......Lynn......Lin-DA......Linda helping hand!!!!"